Meet Trubbish, the Trash Bag Pokémon!
Trubbish (Japanese: ヤブクロン Yabukuron) is a Poison-type Pokémon introduced in Generation V.
It evolves into Garbodor starting at level 36.
Type: Poison
Characteristics: Trubbish may look like your everyday garbage bag, but this Pokémon is far more than meets the eye. With a body resembling a full, dark green garbage bag and a knot at the top that acts as ears, Trubbish carries the true spirit of reuse and recycling. Its eyes are oval-shaped, and its large, triangular teeth mimic shards of broken glass, adding a hint of danger to its quirky appearance. The arms of Trubbish seem to spill out trash, featuring tears in its body with pink and blue objects peeking through, and its stubby feet keep it grounded in its favorite haunts.
Origins: Born from a mysterious chemical reaction between domestic and industrial waste, Trubbish is a unique product of human neglect turned Pokémon. This peculiar origin gives Trubbish its potent abilities and characteristics.
Abilities: Trubbish is notorious for emitting noxious gases that can incapacitate victims for a week, and even prove fatal to young Pokémon and children. Despite this fearsome ability, Trubbish shows a gentler side to those it befriends, ceasing to expel foul odors as a sign of affection.
Behavior: This Pokémon thrives in unsanitary locales like garbage dumps, feeding on trash and decomposing materials such as moldy apples. Although it might sound unappealing, Trubbish finds joy and sustenance in humanity's leftovers, turning our refuse into its treasure.
Natural Predators and Rivals: In its natural environment, Trubbish must be wary of predators like the Alolan Muk and fend off rivals such as Alolan Grimer. Galarian Weezing also pose a unique challenge as they feed on the very fumes that Trubbish produces.
Emotional Expressions: Reflecting its emotions physically, Trubbish’s ear-like tufts perk up when startled, lift when happy, and droop when it’s feeling down, offering a glimpse into its mood.
Evolution: When the time is right, Trubbish evolves into Garbodor, growing larger and gaining even more potent abilities as it matures.
Trubbish might not be the cutest Pokémon in the Pokédex, but it certainly is one of the most intriguing, teaching us that beauty—and utility—can indeed be found in the most unexpected places.